Paul Szwez, DC

Dr Szwez is a 1986 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic. He distinguished himself there as a senior clinic intern who supervised other chiropractic students in the schools clinic. Postgraduate training included extensive work in Chiropractic orthopedics and sports medicine. He offers a natural based approach to general health care, neurologic conditions, sports injuries, work and auto related injuries. Dr Szwez has over 34 years of experience and has helped many people where other forms of treatment have not. He works on injuries to the whole body: Feet, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, hands and spine. Dr Szwez has practiced for many years with dedication to provide natural based healthcare to his patients. “My goal with each patient is to get them out of pain, and to restore optimal function as quickly as possible”

Specialty: General Chiropractic Care, Orthopedics

Practice Base: General Chiropractic Care, Orthopedics, Work related conditions.

Techniques: Dr Szwez practices utilizing many different chiropractic techniques including: traditional diversified manual adjustments myofascial soft tissue release techniques and rehabilitative exercise. He also offers many low force techniques for patients that are fearful of traditional manual adjustments. These techniques include Arthrostim instrument adjustments and Thompson drop technique. Dr Szwez also has extensive training and experience utilizing The Erchonia violet red laser. These lasers help promote healing and pain relief for many conditions.

Community Work:
Doctor Szwez is active with his Ukranian community